Together Forever - Sealed With Love

Together Forever - Sealed With Love

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Mud Volleyball

I don't know if any of the kids do too much work the last week of school! Today the high school kids played mud volleyball. Lexi said she would have had more fun if it hadn't started to hail! This weather has been so crazy! We have had tons and tons of rain. I guess lots of rain makes for great mud volleyball!

Caden's May Day Program

Caden had his May Day Program today. I remember doing a May Day Program when I was a kid, and it was always so much fun to do the May Pole. The 5th graders do the May Pole at Caden's school. Caden's class sang some songs and did a dance. The theme was "You've Got A Friend"

Colton's Art Show

Colton had his end of year Art Show. His choir sang a few songs, and they displayed some of their projects they had worked on. Colton made this great treasure chest. I am sure that of all his classes, Colton will miss shop the most!


Well Lexi got a job! She is pretty excited about working at Fred's. They do have the best cheese stix and fresh limes! She wasn't too excited for me to come in and take her picture, but I did manage to get a few!

Lexi's Last Club Volleyball Game This Season

So Club Volleyball Season is over, and Lexi's team took 3rd in the Gold Division. WAY TO GO LEX!! (If you look really close, she is #1)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Lexi YW Award

Lexi received her YW Medallion last year. Last week the Stake held a dinner for those who had received their awards. She was also honored for receiving her honor bee. We were out of town, so thanks to Leda and Russ for taking her to the dinner and for the pic! Kailee and Allen were also there receiving thier awards. Way to go!

Choose Your Love, Love Your Choice

I found this quote today and I just fell in love with it. Life is all about choices. We get to choose the way our life goes. Whether those are good choices or bad choices, we learn from all of them. My life is made up of millions of little choices that I make every day, and those millions of little choices have made me into what I am today. 21 years ago I made a choice to date a fantastic boy named Dave-now we have 5 kids a whole lifetime of memories together. I love you babe!


Cinco de Mayo!
I love tamales and have wanted to try to make them for quite some time. My friend and I decided we would make tamales this year for Cinco de Mayo. They turned out great, it made a huge batch, and we may be eating tamales for very long time. Luckily they freeze very well! DELISH!!

Strawberry Jam

I love homemade jam. Here is some I made this week. I also made freezer jam for the first time. Nothing tastes better on bread than this!

Here's the link of where I got my instructions:

Maria made this cute tutu. You can take a look at her fun stuff here:

Brooklynn's New Tutu

A big THANKS to Maria for this darling tutu. She is so talented, and Brooks loves to pretend to be a ballerina!
Dave at the campout. I love it when Brooks falls asleep on the four wheeler!

Spring Hansen Family Reunion

This year we (and by we I mean it was Amy's great idea) to try camping at a new spot in the spring. We went to Zion Ponderosa Ranch. We had such a good time! There were RV spots, cabins or tent sites. The kids got to swim, do a zip line, play mini golf, play pool, tennis, volleyball, and lots of other activities. We had a HUGE turnout from the fam, and even Dave's Uncle Pat came whom we have not seen in years. We definetely look forward to next years campout there again!